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Welcome to the 2025 Sunshine State Awards


The Sunshine State Awards program has retired the James Batten and Gene Miller Awards to introduce the A-Mark Foundation Award for Investigative Journalism. This new award, supported by an A-Mark Foundation grant, honors investigative reporting's vital role in holding those in power accountable, fostering transparency, and helping citizens make informed decisions in our democracy. Winners will receive cash prizes:

  • First Place: $5,000 to the entrant(s) and $2,000 to the newsroom

  • Second Place: $2,500 to the entrant(s) and $1,500 to the newsroom

  • Third Place: $1,000 to the entrant(s) and $1,000 to the newsroom


The 2025 Sunshine State Awards, presented by SPJ Florida, honor the state's best journalism of 2024. The competition is open to all professional journalists in Florida, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands, as well as out-of-state journalists reporting on Florida. Student categories are available for entrants from Florida colleges, universities and high schools.

Active and retired professional journalists and journalism educators from outside Florida will judge the entries.

A list of finalists will be emailed to all entrants and posted at SPJFlorida.com in mid-June. Winners will be announced at a live ceremony in South Florida in late summer.


Standard Entry Deadline: Mon 3 March at midnight

  • Pro Journalists: $35 per entry
  • College Students: $20 per entry
  • High School Students: FREE

Late Entry Deadline: Mon 17 March at midnight

  • Professional Journalists: $45 per entry
  • College Students: $30 per entry
  • High School Students: FREE

Buy One Entry, Get One Free: SPJ, NAHJ, NABJ, NLGJA, AAJA, and Diversify Photo members may submit ONE free entry along with their first paid entry. One of the listed entrants must be a current, dues-paying, individual member of one of these organizations.


Submit all entries in the contest portal. You may enter work published, posted, or broadcast in 2024. You may submit multiple entries in any category. You may submit any given entry into multiple categories, as long as it meets the category requirements.


Contact Contest Administrator Tim Dodson at tim@timdodson.com.



Open to all professional journalists in any medium who work in Florida, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands.

A01. A-Mark Foundation Award for Investigative Journalism: This NEW award is presented and funded by the A-Mark Foundation, which makes focused grants to promote and encourage journalism and investigative reporting. The award recognizes journalism that contributes to the public good by uncovering wrongs, highlighting critical issues, or enriching public discourse. Entries will be judged on their significance, initiative, courage, and dedication to public service.

Individuals or teams may submit entries of up to 10 items, including coverage and other supporting elements. Stories can range from exposing injustices to promoting understanding of public interest issues. A supporting statement (400 words max) is required.

A02. NABJ South Florida Diversity Award: Recognizes a journalist from an underrepresented community. Submit up to five items (broadcast clips limited to 5 minutes max each). A supporting statement (400 words max) is recommended. The award supports NABJ and SPJ's goal to promote diversity in journalism.

A03. Barbara A. Petersen Freedom of Information Award: Recognizes a journalist or news organization for exceptional use of public records in reporting or advocating for press freedom and public access. Submit up to three items (broadcast clips limited to 5 minutes max each). A supporting statement (400 words max) is recommended. The award is named after Barbara A. Petersen, the retired long-serving president of the Florida First Amendment Foundation.

A04. Journalist of the Year: Recognizes an individual journalist for an outstanding body of print, broadcast, or online work. Submit up to three items (broadcast clips limited to 5 minutes max each). One letter of recommendation (400 words max) is required. A second letter (400 words max) is recommended. A supporting statement (400 words max) is also recommended.

A05. Anchor of the Year: Recognizes an individual broadcast anchor for an outstanding body of work. Submit up to three items (10 minutes max per item). One letter of recommendation (400 words max) is required. A second letter (400 words max) is recommended. A supporting statement (400 words max) is also recommended.

A06. Photojournalist of the Year: Recognizes an individual photojournalist for an outstanding body of work. Submit up to five items. One letter of recommendation (400 words max) is required. A second letter (400 words max) is recommended. A supporting statement (400 words max) is also recommended.

A07. Outstanding New Journalist: Recognizes an individual journalist with up to three years of postgraduate experience for an outstanding body of print, broadcast, or digital work. Submit up to three items (broadcast clips limited to 5 minutes max each). One letter of recommendation (400 words max) is required. A second letter (400 words max) is recommended. A supporting statement (400 words max) is also recommended.

A08. Editor of the Year: Recognizes a single editor who exemplifies the profession or has an outstanding body of work. Submit up to three items, including coverage, writing, edited pieces, or other supporting elements. One letter of recommendation (400 words max) is required. A second letter (400 words max) is recommended. A supporting statement (400 words max) is also recommended.

A09. Social Justice Reporting: Recognizes an individual journalist or team for excellence in social justice reporting. Submit up to three items (broadcast clips are limited to 5 minutes max each). A supporting statement (400 words max) is recommended.


This division is open to all forms of writing, including newspapers, newsletters, magazines and online/digital. Open to staff journalists or freelancers in any medium working in Florida, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands or writing for a Florida-based print or digital news outlet; wire service bureaus in Florida; and Florida bureaus of national and out-of-state publications.

B01. Breaking News Reporting: Judges will consider deadline pressures, complexity of subject and story length, interest, and importance. Submit a single report or series (four items max).

B02. Non-Deadline News Reporting - Local & Community: Enterprise reporting that deeply explores newsworthy topics with a strong focus on local or community impact. Submissions should highlight issues, events, or stories that resonate with or directly affect a specific local area or community. Submit a single report.

B03. Non-Deadline News Reporting - State & National: Enterprise reporting that explores significant newsworthy topics with broader state or national implications. Submissions should address issues, events, or stories that extend beyond a local community to resonate on a larger scale. Submit a single report.

B04. Serious Feature Reporting - Local & Community: Feature reporting that offers thoughtful and in-depth exploration of topics with a strong focus on local or community relevance. Submissions should highlight unique narratives, compelling storytelling, or in-depth analysis that resonates with or directly impacts a specific local area or community. Submit a single report.

B05. Serious Feature Reporting - State & National: Feature reporting that delves into meaningful and in-depth exploration of topics with broader state or national significance. Submissions should showcase compelling narratives, thoughtful storytelling, or in-depth analysis that addresses issues, events, or stories with larger-scale implications. Submit a single report.

B06. Light Feature Reporting - Local & Community: Feature reporting with a light, engaging, or entertaining tone on topics of local or community interest. Submissions should emphasize unique perspectives, human interest stories, or trend pieces that reflect the character or culture of a specific local area or community. Submit a single report.

B07. Light Feature Reporting - State & National: Feature reporting with a light, engaging, or entertaining tone on topics of state or national significance. Submissions should highlight unique perspectives, human-interest stories, or trend pieces that resonate on a broader scale while showcasing creativity and storytelling. Submit a single report only; no series.

B08. Series: Comprehensive coverage of a single topic through a news or feature series. Entries should showcase the depth and breadth of the reporting and provide a cohesive narrative or analysis. Submit up to five items from the series. A supporting statement (250 words max) explaining the series' goals and impact is recommended.

B09. General Commentary & Criticism: Analysis or interpretation of news events. Submit up to three items.

B10. Arts & Culture Commentary & Criticism: Analysis or interpretation of arts or cultural events, including arts reviews. Submit up to three items.

B11. Sports Commentary: Analysis or interpretation of sporting events, teams, etc. Submit up to three items.

B13. Obituary Reporting: Reporting that captures the essence of an individual’s life and legacy, offering a thoughtful reflection of their achievements, character and impact. Submissions should demonstrate sensitivity, compelling storytelling and resonance with readers. Submit a single item.

B14. Election Reporting - Local & Community: Coverage of local or community elections, including local measures. Submit up to three items.

B15. Election Reporting - State & Federal: B15 Coverage of state or federal elections, excluding state amendments. Submit up to three items.

B16. Election Reporting - State Amendments: Coverage of the state constitutional amendments. Submit up to three items.

B17. Election Reporting - Presidential: Coverage of the presidential election. Submit up to three items.

B18. Data Reporting: News or feature stories driven by data analysis or collection. Entries should demonstrate effective use of data to uncover, explain, or add depth to a topic. Submit a single item or a series of up to three items focused on one topic. Entries may include up to three visualizations or other supporting elements that enhance the story.

B19. Editorial Writing: Submit three items on a single topic or multiple topics.

B20. Editorial Cartooning: Submit three items a single topic or multiple topics.

B21. Small Town & Rural Reporting: Coverage highlighting the unique challenges, stories, and issues faced by small Florida municipalities or rural Florida counties. Entries should showcase the importance of local journalism in these often-overlooked areas, bringing attention to stories that might otherwise go untold. Submit up to three items.

B22. Human Interest Story: A feature story focused on personal experiences, struggles, or achievements designed to evoke empathy and emotional connection. Entries should showcase acts of kindness, overcoming challenges or unique personal narratives that engage readers. Submit a single report.

B23. Blog Writing: Submit up to three items.

B24. Special Publication or Section: Best overall quality, including news value, writing, design, story mix, etc., in a special, one-time-only or annual section of a publication. Must consist of editorial content produced by editorial staff.

B25. Trade or Special Interest Publication: Best overall quality, including news value, in a publication focusing on a specialized audience. Submit a single issue.

B26. Beat Reporting - Arts & Culture: Does not include criticism (See Arts & Culture Commentary & Criticism). Submit up to three items. A supporting statement (250 words max) to provide additional context is recommended.

B27. Beat Reporting - Business & Consumer Affairs: Submit up to three items. A supporting statement (250 words max) to provide additional context is recommended.

B28. Beat Reporting - Community: Submit up to three items. A supporting statement (250 words max) to provide additional context is recommended.

B29. Beat Reporting - Crime & Courts: Submit up to three items. A supporting statement (250 words max) to provide additional context is recommended.

B30. Beat Reporting - Education: Submit up to three items. A supporting statement (250 words max) to provide additional context is recommended.

B31. Beat Reporting - Environment, Science & Technology: Submit up to three items. A supporting statement (250 words max) to provide additional context is recommended.

B32. Beat Reporting - Food & Travel: Submit up to three items. A supporting statement (250 words max) to provide additional context is recommended.

B33. Lifestyle and Trends: Submit up to three items. A supporting statement (250 words max) to provide additional context is recommended.

B34. Beat Reporting - Government & Politics: Submit up to three items. A supporting statement (250 words max) to provide additional context is recommended.

B35. Beat Reporting - Health: Submit up to three items. A supporting statement (250 words max) to provide additional context is recommended.

B36. Beat Reporting - Housing & Real Estate: Submit up to three items. A supporting statement (250 words max) to provide additional context is recommended.

B37. Beat Reporting - Sports: Submit up to three items. A supporting statement (250 words max) to provide additional context is recommended.

B38. Beat Reporting - Underrepresented Communities: Submit up to three items. A supporting statement (250 words max) to provide additional context is recommended.


C01. Breaking News Photography: Submit a single published photo or series (up to five) on a single subject.

C02. General News Photo: Submit a single published photo or series (up to five) on a single subject.

C03. Feature Photography: Submit a single published photo, either stand-alone or part of a story.

C04. Portrait/Personality: A single published photo, either stand-alone or part of a story.

C05. Photography Story: Submit a collection of news or feature photos (up to eight items) printed together that tell a story. Not for continuing coverage of a subject.

C06. Sports Photography: Submit a single published photo, either stand-alone or part of a story.

C07. Art/Photo Illustration: Specially designed art and/or photos to illustrate a story. Submit up to three items.

C08. Infographics & Data Visualization: Standalone infographic or part of a story. Submit a single item. A supporting statement to provide additional context (250 words max) is recommended.

C09. Newspaper Front Page Design: Submit up to three items, by an individual or team, representing the newspaper’s front page or section front.

C10. Magazine Cover Design: Submit up to three items.

C11. Magazine Inside Design: Submit up to three stories or spreads.

C12. Magazine Single Issue: Submit one full issue. Judges will consider content, design and overall layout.

C13. Magazine Special Issue: Submit one full issue that is considered a special or annual issue. Judges will consider content, design and overall layout.


D01. TV or Video Newscast: Submit a single newscast (max length 30:00).

D02. Investigative Reporting - Single Report: Max length 5:00.

D03. Investigative Reporting - Series: Include up to four segments. Max length 20:00 total.

D04. Spot News Reporting: Coverage of an unexpected hard news event. May include live or taped segments illustrating coverage. Include up to four segments. Max length 20:00 total.

D05. Breaking News: Live-driven reporting that shows how reporters, photographers, and station staff on all levels handle the story as it is happening. Include up to four segments. Max length 20:00 total.

D06. General Assignment Report: A single story developed, shot, written and aired in a regular newscast within a 24-hour period. Max length 5:00.

D07. Continuing Coverage or Series: Submit a series of up to three segments on a single topic.

D08. Special Reporting: Reporting that covers specialized topics such as education, medical, transportation, etc. Include up to five segments. Max length 20:00 total.

D09. Government, Politics & Election Reporting: Submit a single report (max length 5:00).

D10. Environment, Science & Technology Reporting: Submit a single report (max length 5:00).

D11. Health Reporting: Submit a single report (max length 5:00).

D12. Light Feature Reporting: Submit a single report (max length 5:00).

D13. Serious Feature Reporting: Submit a single report (max length 5:00).

D14. Sports Reporting: Submit a single report (max length 5:00).

D15. Weather Reporting: A compilation that may include in-studio weather delivery and out-of-studio weather reporting. Max length 20:00.

D16. Non-Newscast Program: A special report, 20-60 minutes long, airing outside of a regular newscast, that addresses issues of community concern or covers popular community events.

D17. Video - Short Form: A single online video (max length 5:00) that is not a part of a newscast. Can supplement a written story.

D18. Video - Long Form: A single online video (5-15 minutes in length) that is not a part of a newscast. Can supplement a written story.


E01. Radio or Audio Newscast: Best overall news and feature quality, including news value, writing, production, story mix, etc. Submit one complete broadcast of your choice.

E02. Podcast: Submit one podcast of your choice.

E03. General Coverage: Coverage of an issue of local interest. Submit up to three items (max length 5:00 each).

E04. Investigative Reporting: Reporting that exposes a wrong or promotes understanding of a problem, issue, or subject in the public interest. Submit a single report or a series of up to three items (max length 20:00 total).

E05. Government, Politics & Election Reporting: Submit a single report or a series of up to three items (max length 5:00 each).

E06. Serious Feature Reporting: Profiles, trend pieces and human interest stories. Submit a single report or a series of up to three items (max length 5:00 each).

E07. Light Feature Reporting: Profiles, trend pieces and human interest stories. Submit a single report or a series of up to three items (max length 5:00 each).

E08. Public Affairs: Submit a single public affairs program. Entries may be documentaries or regular programming. Entries must be the original work of the station. Town hall meetings are not eligible.

E09. Environment, Science & Technology Reporting: Submit a single report or a series of up to three items (max length 5:00 each).

E10. Health Reporting: Submit a single report or a series of up to three items (max length 5:00 each).

E11. Continuing Coverage or Series: Submit a series of up to four items on a single topic (max length 5:00 each).

E12. Education Reporting: Submit a single report or a series of up to three items (max length 5:00 each).

E13. Arts Reporting: Submit a single report or a series of up to three items (max length 5:00 each).


F01. News Website - Independent: A website or digital platform that operates entirely virtually and is not affiliated with a print publication or broadcast station. Submissions should demonstrate originality, innovation and excellence in delivering news or content to an online audience. Judges will evaluate the site's overall value to users, depth and originality of news content, variety of content presentation methods (text, video, audio, etc.), writing quality, usability (including navigation and accessibility), and layout. Submit the URLs of the homepage and two additional pages.

F02. News Website - Affiliated: A website that is a part of, or sponsored by, print or broadcast media. Judges will evaluate the site's overall value to users, depth and originality of news content, variety of content presentation methods (text, video, audio, etc.), writing quality, usability (including navigation and accessibility), and layout. Submit the URLs of the homepage and two additional pages.

F03. Multimedia Feature: A feature story utilizing two or more media (video, audio, social media, interactive infographic, etc.), not including photography. Submit a report on a single topic that includes at least two items showcasing the multimedia aspect.

F04. Online Package: A special, one-time project that includes writing (print or web), video, audio, social media or any combination of them. One-time projects may include multiple pieces of all media.

F05. Infographics & Data Visualization: Graphics or data should have an interactive or multimedia component and can be standalone pieces or part of a story. Submit a single item. (Note: the Photography & Design division contains a category for static data visualizations or infographics.)

F06. New Media Engagement: Submit a single reprot from a news outlet or reporter utilizing new media or social media platforms to engage its audience.

F07. Digital Newsletter: An email newsletter that delivers news and information. Submit up to three issues.


Estos premios son presentados en conjunto con la Asociación Nacional de Periodistas Hispanos – capítulo del Sur de la Florida/National Association of Hispanic Journalists – South Florida Chapter. Los premios están abiertos a periodistas (empleados por el medio o independientes/freelancers) cuyos trabajos en español hayan aparecido en la edición digital o impresa de periódicos publicados o distribuídos en la Florida, en medios audiovisuales en la Florida y corresponsales de agencias noticiosas y periódicos de circulación nacional en la Florida.

G01. Mejor trabajo de investigación en televisión/radio: Esta categoría premia al mejor reportaje de investigación de interés público para el sur de la Florida. Puede ser un solo reportaje o una serie publicada en televisión o en radio. Los artículos deben ser originales, exponer irregularidades y/o promover el entendimiento de un asunto de interés público. Duración máxima: 20:00

G02. Mejor trabajo de investigación en prensa escrita/digital: Esta categoría premia al mejor reportaje de investigación de interés público para el sur de la Florida. Puede ser un solo reportaje o una serie publicada en un medio digital o de prensa escrita. Los artículos deben ser originales, exponer irregularidades y/o promover el entendimiento de un asunto de interés público.

G03. Mejor reportaje especial (features) en televisión/radio/video/podcast: Se considerarán reportajes sobre las últimas tendencias o temas de interés humano. Aspirantes deben someter un solo reportaje; las series no serán aceptadas. Los jueces tomarán en cuenta la originalidad del autor a la hora de contar la historia y la calidad técnica del trabajo. Duración máxima: 5:00.

G04. Mejor reportaje especial en prensa escrita/medio digital: Se considerarán artículos narrativos y crónicas sobre las últimas tendencias o temas de interés humano. Aspirantes deben someter un solo reportaje; las series no serán aceptadas. Los jueces tomarán en cuenta la originalidad del autor a la hora de contar la historia, así como la claridad y calidad del texto. Duración máxima: 5:00.

G05. Mejor cobertura de noticias de última hora (breaking news) en televisión/radio/digital: Esta categoría abarca coberturas de noticias de última hora y el seguimiento apropiado al tema. Puede ser un solo reportaje o una serie. Los jueces considerarán en su decisión las presiones de tiempo y dificultades que enfrentó el medio en su cobertura, así como la complejidad del tema, interés e importancia. Duración máxima: 20:00.

G06. Periodista del año en televisión/radio/digital: Esta categoría premia al periodista más sobresaliente del año en los medios hispanos de la Florida. Participantes deben enviar cinco muestras de su trabajo como máximo.

G07. Periodista del año en prensa escrita/digital: Esta categoría premia al periodista más sobresaliente del año en los medios hispanos del sur de la Florida. Participantes deben enviar cinco muestras de su trabajo como máximo.

G08. Mejor infografía y/o visualización de dato: Esta categoría premia la mejor infografía o historia contada con visualización de datos publicada en un medio de prensa escrita, digital o televisivo. Se valorará la originalidad y claridad de la historia, así como la calidad de su diseño y valor informativo.

G09. Mejor cobertura de desastres naturales en televisión/radio/video: Presentar hasta cinco muestras. Opcional: envíe una declaración de apoyo (hasta 400 palabras).

G10. Mejor cobertura de desastres naturales en prensa escrita/digital: Presentar hasta cinco muestras. Opcional: envíe una declaración de apoyo (hasta 400 palabras).

G11. Mejor trabajo estudiantil (todo tipo de medios): Premia a la mejor historia periodística hecha por un estudiante en la Florida. Candidatos pueden someter una historia individual o una serie. La historia debe ser original, exponer irregularidades o promover el entendimiento de un problema de interés público.


For college and university students whose work was published in Florida in the previous calendar year. This may include work submitted to professional publications as well, as long as the student produced it. Unless otherwise stated, these cateories are open to broadcast submissions. Broadcast clips limited to 5:00 max each.

H01. College Journalist of the Year: Recognizes the college journalist (any medium) displaying the most promise through published work. Submit four of your best stories published or broadcast in the previous calendar year and a signed recommendation letter from an adviser, teacher or or professional journalist who has worked with you.

H02. College Photojournalist of the Year: Recognizes the college photojournalist displaying the most promise through photos published online or in print. Submit a portfolio of up to five of your best photographs published in the previous calendar year and a signed recommendation letter from an adviser, teacher or or professional journalist who has worked with you.

H03. Adviser of the Year: Recognizes an individual college journalism adviser. Submit up to three recommendation letters from students or faculty showcasing work and dedication to students and/or media outlet.

H04. Student Publication: Submit two or three print issues from the previous calendar year. Each issue will be judged on writing, photography, and design, with an emphasis on maintaining consistent quality and cohesion across all submissions.

H05. Special Issue: Submit one special issue from the previous calendar year. Each page will be evaluated for its writing, photography, and design, with a strong emphasis on the impact and overall excellence of the standalone issue.

H06. Student Broadcast Outlet: Submit up to three clips (max length 5:00 each) from the previous calendar year.

H07. Website: Submit the homepage URL and two other URLs of other pages of your choice.

H08. Investigative Reporting: In-depth investigative reporting by an individual or team, presented as a single report or a series (up to three items). Entries should expose a wrong, reveal new information, or promote understanding of a significant problem or issue in the public interest. A supporting statement (250 words max) explaining the investigative process and impact is recommended.

H09. Breaking News Story: Submit a story written under a next-day deadline about a single breaking news report.

H010. News Photo: Any single photo that is not posed or sports.

H12. Review: Submit a review of a movie, concert, art exhibit book, play, etc. Judges will favor reviews of either campus or local arts, or national pieces with a unique student angle.

H13. Serious Feature: A thoughtful and in-depth exploration of significant topics, issues, or subjects. Submissions should demonstrate compelling storytelling, meticulous research, and a focus on delivering meaningful insights. The writing should engage readers with clarity, context, and depth, emphasizing the importance of the subject matter. Submit a single report.

H14. Lifestyle Feaure: A feature story that entertains, inspires, or highlights lighter subjects, including trends, arts, or humor. Submissions should be engaging and fun. Submit a single report.

H15. Human Interest Feature: A feature story that tells a personal, engaging story about individuals or communities. Submissions should evoke empathy and connection with readers. Submit a single report.

H16. Narrative Feature: A feature story that uses storytelling techniques to engage readers emotionally, such as in-depth reported pieces, first-person accounts, or historical explorations. Submissions should emphasize immersive storytelling and a compelling narrative structure. Submit a single report.

H17. Sports News Story: Coverage of breaking or timely sports news, highlighting the significance of events, teams, or athletes. This includes game stories. Submissions should focus on newsworthiness, accuracy, and the ability to deliver essential information under tight deadlines. Submit a single report.

H18. Sports Feature Story: A feature story that explores the human, cultural, or societal aspects of sports. Submissions should emphasize compelling narratives, character development, or unique perspectives on sports-related topics. Submit a single report.

H19. Sports Photo: A single photo capturing a moment in college sports.

H20. Opinion Column: A single column on anything but sports, expressing an opinion, slant or viewpoint.

H21. Front Page Design: A single cover design demonstrating creativity as well as adherence to basic design principles.

H22. Inside Page Design: Judges look for creativity but also expect adherence to basic design principles. Submit a single inside design. Can include more than one page if it’s a part of the same story.

H23. Video: News, feature, sports, or anything else. Max length 5:00.

H24. Podcast: Submit a single podcast episode.

H25. Multimedia Feature: A feature story utilizing two or more media (video, audio, social media, interactive infographic, etc.), not including photography. Submit a single report or a series (up to three stories or supplemental elements) on a single topic.

H26. LGBTQ+ Coverage: Submit a single report. This award is co-sponsored by Out South Florida and the South Florida chapter of NLGJA: The Association of LGBTQ+ Journalists.

H27. Race & Underrepresented Communities Coverage: Submit a single report. This award is co-sponsored by the South Florida chapters of the National Association of Black Journalists and the National Association of Hispanic Journalists.

H28. General News Story: Submit a story about a single news event or issue, not written on next-day deadline.


For high school students whose work was published in in Florida in the previous calendar year. This may include work submitted to professional publications, as well as long as the student produced it. There is no entry fee for High School division entries.

J01. High School Journalist of the Year: Honors the high school journalist displaying the most promise through published or broadcast work. Submit up to five of your best stories published in the previous calendar year and a signed recommendation letter from an adviser, teacher or professional journalist who has worked with you.

Click Here to Register or to Start an Entry